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Top 5 Features of an Auto Marketing Tool

Auto Marketing Tool

Auto Marketing Tool

When the term "marketing" comes to mind, things like TV commercials, print materials, and online ads come to mind. However, what's often neglected is the marketing efforts it takes to retain customers that you already have. With Merandex's IntroWave™ marketing tool, luxury auto dealers are provided an affordable solution to bring repeat customers back to the dealership. We believe there are five features that an auto marketing tool geared towards bringing customers back must have.

Staying Power

What good is a marketing tool if it's never in front of the customer? IntroWave takes the form of a custom app that lives on the user's home screen, so while it's not intrusive, it's constantly there as a reminder that your sales team is just a finger tap away. The icon for your app can be whatever you want it to be, such as a professional headshot or corporate logo. Even when they're not actively using the app to contact you, it acts as a form of passive marketing that keeps you top of mind next time they're shopping for a car.

YouTube Integration

Most car dealers know the power of YouTube and how video plays an integral role in digital marketing. What many lack, however, is the ability to showcase new inventory or recap the features in the latest model to current customers whenever they want to.

A 2019 study by Social Media Today found that video can increase conversion rates on a landing page by up to 80%, and 80% of users can recall a video they've seen in the past month. When an IntroWave user is looking to purchase another car and they visit your app, they can be greeted by the latest video on your YouTube page, featuring their salesperson detailing all the awesome specs of your newest model or going over the sales specials you have going on that month.

Conversion Opportunities

The call to action is a simple concept that many don't execute properly. By providing consumers with ways to convert right in front of them, you're exponentially increasing your chances of converting. The best ad copy in the world is useless without a call to action prompting the consumer to do something--make a phone call, schedule an appointment, begin the online sales process, or whatever it is you need them to do to make a sale.

As a fully customizable app, IntroWave lets dealers and individual salespeople include buttons wherever necessary to drive conversions and influence users to visit their site. Experiment with different CTAs and use the ones that work best for you!

Referral Opportunities

How many marketing tools offer all of the above plus the opportunity for a referral without having to do any networking yourself? IntroWave has an easy-to-use referral button on every profile that allows users to share the link to your custom app with someone else, so their network becomes your network.

Once you're referred, you're notified that someone received your IntroWave profile, provided their mobile number so you're able to communicate with them right away!

Measuring and Tracking

Of course, your marketing efforts might as well not be happening if they aren't being tracked. The IntroWave app comes with native tracking by Merandex that can easily be put into a custom report and given to you on a regular basis, plus it's fully compatible with Google Analytics so your marketing team can continue to rely on their own reporting methods.

You'll know who viewed your videos and for how long, who clicked on which buttons, and the referrals from each person.

IntroWave is one of the only tools on the market that combines all of these features into an affordable, easily implemented solution for auto dealers. Get in touch with us today to discuss packages!

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