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The Power Of Networking

The Power Of Networking

The Power Of Networking

If you have been in business for any length of time, you probably know about the power of networking. Of course, we have all heard the sayings "its not always what you know, but who you know" that ensures your success in business.

However, have you ever graded yourself on how well you network? Is just showing up at a Chamber of Commerce event enough? Is handing your business card out to everyone in the room the best way to build a network? The answer to both of these questions should be a resounding "No!"

Do you remember the first date you ever went on? How concerned you were about your appearance, what you were going to say, and most of all, would there be a second date? You were on your best behavior, you were concerned about the comfort and well being of your date and you communicated with great care.

When it comes to networking we need to remember back to those days and take great care in how we appear to people, how we communicate with them and most of all, how we follow up and set expectations.

Building a relationship in business is no different to building a dating relationship. And the IntroWave mobile app can help you look fantastic, help you with your communication and follow up and help ensure that there is not only a second meeting, but that your contact refers you on to others!

With the IntroWave mobile app, you can take the power of networking to a whole, new level. All you have to do is sign up, set up your details and get ready to expand your network and ultimately your business!

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Lincroft, NJ 07738