The Fortune Is In The Follow Up
A very wise author and motivational speaker Jim Rohn once said "The fortune is in the follow-up". When you think about it, when it comes to business, that is a profound statement!
Think back to the last networking event that you attended. I'm sure that you had at least several intriguing conversations. And, you may have made a few calls when you got back to the office. However, think about the power you would have had if you were able to give each person you chatted with your electronic business card!
This is where the IntroWave mobile app really begins to make a difference in how successful your networking efforts are for your business. I don't know about you, but in the past I have always come back with a large handful of business cards, with the intention of creating a follow up procedure, but usually the cards just ended up in rubber band packages on the edge of my desk gathering dust!
The very act of giving out your IntroWave mobile app gives you the other person's contact info. You can now reach out and contact them, make an appointment to meet them or send them information you promised when you were speaking at the networking event.
But it does not stop there! Anyone who has your IntroWave mobile app can give it out to anyone else and you are notified with the persons contact info. Plus those that have it can do business with you right from their mobile phone.
Make sure you check out the YouTube video on the
How it Works Page for more ideas on how the IntroWave mobile app can be your most powerful follow up tool ever!