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The Evolution of Custom Software

Evolution of Custom Software

Evolution of Custom Software

Custom software has evolved from being macro, blanket solutions of a variety of problems to acting as a business partner that knows exactly where your problems are. Companies like Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, and others took advantage of new technology to provide solutions that could satisfy the largest percentage of customers.

While nearly every business owner was paying to own the new software, many of them weren't getting exactly what they needed, which is how we got to where we are now--manual overcrowded excel sheets, complicated internal processes to work around the software's limitations, and unnecessary workarounds just to be able to route back to the software that you spent your hard-earned money on.

Of course, once your money is spent on a product that completely changes the way your business operates, it can be difficult to justify ditching it and going back to older, more efficient ways.

With more businesses experiencing the fallout from adjusting their day-to-day operations to accommodate the limitations of out-of-the-box software, it gave rise to custom software development, which is geared not towards the masses, but towards your specific problems.

The goal of custom software now is to enable you to streamline your processes and get you back on track to efficiency. A free consultation from Merandex is the first step to find out exactly what problems we can solve for you and fixing the issues that were created from bending over backwards to fit the capabilities of mass-produced software.

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