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Customer Retention Strategies Using Software

Customer Retention

Customer Retention

Prospecting is how you start, but customer retention is how you finish. Many businesses place too much of a focus on prospecting and don't allocate the proper resources to customer retention.

Some Customer Stats

  • The probability of selling to a current customer is 60-70%, while the probability of selling to a new customer is 5-20%.
  • 33% of customers will leave if a brand lacks personalization.
  • 65% of business comes from repeat customers.
  • Returning customers spend an average of 33% more than new ones.
  • 33% of customers will pay more for a better customer experience.
Despite all of this, many companies do not have the right processes in place to take advantage of the business that customer retention can bring.

Automate Birthday Discounts

As part of your customer acquisition process, ask your customers when their birthday is. Once they're in your database, you can automate emails or reminders for postcards to be sent out offering them a special birthday discount or a gift card to a local place. It's a personalized touch that is easy to set up, costs almost nothing to run, yet means the world to plenty of customers who interact daily with businesses who don't even know their name, let alone their birthday.

Build a CRM

A Customer Relationship Manager, or CRM, is an essential tool that can help you organize and streamline every aspect of your interactions with clients on a daily basis. You'll never be left in the dark wondering what your last touchpoint with a customer was, and this way you'll make sure customers know their business is important to you. There are plenty of CRMs out of the box, but you can also build a custom one that only has features you need!

Make Your Service or Product Convenient

When something is easy to shop for, customers will come back. You can do that with a custom software developer! Build an app that streamlines your sales process and encourages customers to come back again with incentivized discounts.

Merandex has the capability to analyze your business and suggest a way to retain customers while staying on top of the cutting edge of technology. Contact us today to automate your customer retention!

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