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Affordable Digital Marketing For Small Business

Affordable Digital Marketing For Small Business

Affordable Digital Marketing For Small Business

IntroWave is the digital marketing and networking starter package every small business needs, for a more affordable price than you can find anywhere else. Digital marketing can be a huge undertaking, and if not started properly, will only set you back.

In conjunction with your website, IntroWave can help you communicate your marketing efforts to anyone who has your personal IntroWave app downloaded on their phone. It contains important information like social media profiles, custom graphics, website links, contact information, and anything else you feel is important to your brand!

Instead of handing out another business card, simply send people a link to download your custom app--it's free for them to use, and not only do you get to completely customize your marketing, but you get notifications for every referral you receive through the app.

Small Business Online Networking & Referrals

Double up your digital marketing efforts with the ability to direct them at whoever you want--you'll be a standout at networking events, and you can direct people straight to your mini website. Following up is easy, and updating information on the app is even easier!

For just $129/year, IntroWave offers the benefits of multiple digital marketing and network tools rolled into one! Start off your small business' marketing efforts on the right foot today. Check it out at: IntroWave™

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716 Newman Springs Rd. Ste. 240
Lincroft, NJ 07738